University of Anbar in UI Green Metrics ranking
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The UI Green Metrics ranking released the results of the World  university evaluation for the year 2023 in six Standards: infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste management, water resource management, transportation, education, and scientific research.  University of Anbar secured the second position among Iraq's universities and 141st globally. It's worth noting that there are 1,183 World universities in this ranking, including 74 Iraq's universities and colleges.


Professor Dr. Mushtak Talib Salih Al-Neda, the esteemed president of the University of Anbar, congratulated all university members for achieving this advanced ranking. He emphasized that this result reflects the outcomes of the university's plans to achieve sustainable development goals, with a special mention of the "University of Anbar: ( Green Oasis") project in which all academic and technical units of the university participate. He urged all academics and researchers to intensify efforts to produce rigorous scientific research applicable in the field of sustainable development, aiming to preserve energy resources for future generations. He praised the outstanding efforts of the World Rankings Unit in documenting the university's achievements in international forums and rankings.

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