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University of Anbar Policy Guide 


University of Anbar is working on developing a strategic plan derived from diagnosing the current state of the university and identifying the strategic issues upon which long-term goals and objectives are built, coupled with plans based on actual performance indicators of its entities, according to specified timelines for implementation. This involves specifying the responsible entities for each aspect during implementation and the boundaries of that responsibility. In the context of developing the strategic plan, the university's vision, mission, and values are subject to continuous review and updates, all of which are done with the involvement of all concerned parties.

Strategic Planning policy and Review for the Vision and Mission of University of Anbar

Legislation Update Policy


University of Anbar is working on reviewing and updating its legislation by the laws and regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Accreditation Body for Higher Education Institutions, ensuring their quality, and the global principles and standards that work to develop the academic process, monitor its documentation, and its modifications.

Annual report approval policy

University of Anbar prepares the annual report for the university to outline future improvement and development plans in academic and administrative areas. The university's administration relies on this report as the basis for university policy-related actions. 

The policy of achieving justice and equal opportunities

University of Anbar follows clear legal procedures to ensure justice among the teaching and administrative staff, which includes evaluating the performance of academic and administrative bodies by the laws and instructions approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This involves applying the Scientific Promotion Instructions No. 167 of 2017 (in effect) fairly and uniformly to all faculty members and dealing with everyone with credibility, fairness, and respect. Additionally, it applies guidelines for assignments, travel, and internal and external participation within the university's activities, ensuring justice and equality among all faculty and administrative members according to the applicable legal provisions. It also ensures the application of the grievance and accountability system for university employees by the provisions of the State Employees Discipline Law No. 14 of 1991 (amended) and the Civil Service Law No. 24 of 1960 (amended), all based on transparent and clear procedures without any other considerations.


Incentive Policy


University of Anbar seeks to acknowledge the efforts of the teaching and administrative staff and grant them incentive incentives by specific and established guidelines and criteria for this purpose.


The policy of evaluating the performance of the university's leadership councils


University of Anbar conducts an annual evaluation of the performance of the university’s council, faculty councils, and the performance of the departments within the university, which includes evaluating the performance of deans, faculty councils, and department councils. The evaluation is carried out using performance metrics by specific criteria approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


The policy of integrity, transparency, dissemination and evaluation


The transparency policy at the University of Anbar is based on promoting the concepts of integrity and justice in all areas of university work and adhering to the laws, regulations, and instructions governing the university. The university also develops policies and procedures in line with legislation. The university works to disseminate all information related to its activities through various means, including its website, university publications, reports, and newsletters, to make it accessible to everyone. The university aims to apply transparency in the selection of senior academic and administrative leaders, the appointment of faculty members, their promotion, and the selection of candidates for scholarships. Additionally, the university works on establishing appropriate foundations for conducting an annual evaluation of the level of integrity and transparency application through extensive surveys and deals with the evaluation results to improve performance and prepare plans.


Job Description Determination Policy


University of Anbar seeks to define and update job descriptions for its employees to align with the university's mission and vision and to place the right person in the right position.


Social Media Usage Policy


University of Anbar seeks to adopt a policy for the use of social media based on educating the faculty and staff at the university on all the regulations, concepts, and values that students should be aware of, which govern the educational relationship between them while using social media, to ensure the prevention of any academically and socially unacceptable behaviors.


Academic Integrity Policy


University of Anbar strives for all its employees and students to adhere to academic integrity in all practical and academic fields in accordance with the applicable regulations at the University of Anbar and those in effect in the Republic of Iraq, and in line with relevant global educational standards.


Educational and Learning Outcomes Monitoring Policy


University of Anbar follows a clear periodic process to assess the educational and learning outcomes of students at the end of each academic semester. Colleges also study their objectives and learning outcomes and link them to the curriculum of their academic programs.


Policy for Implementing Local and International Standards for Academic Programs


University of Anbar seeks to implement quality management and academic accreditation standards as defined by the responsible authority for accrediting Iraqi higher education institutions, ensuring their quality according to international standards and the needs of the job market.


Academic Program Establishment and Development Policy


University of Anbar works on establishing, developing, and evaluating academic programs to fulfill its mission of preparing graduates equipped with knowledge, skills, and values. The university also strives to provide the appropriate financial, material, and human resources by the accordance with the accreditation standards of higher education institutions, ensuring their quality.


Faculty Evaluation Policy


University of Anbar conducts an annual evaluation of the academic, research, and administrative performance of each member of the leadership team, faculty members, and staff, along with analytical studies of the evaluation results for development. This is done through the completion of assessment forms for university leaders, faculty members, and staff, which are submitted by each of them to their direct supervisor.


Academic Advising Policy


University of Anbar is committed to academic advising to provide the necessary support to students during their academic journey through their study plans and the guidelines set by the university administration to ensure the success of the educational process. Recognizing that the student is the focal point and purpose of the educational process, academic advisors, who are members of the faculty, have been assigned to assist students with their needs throughout their university education. Each faculty member oversees a group of students, providing them with the guidance necessary to meet the requirements for obtaining a bachelor's degree and completing their course requirements within the specified timeframe, according to their respective majors.


 Examination Policy


University of Anbar primarily relies on examinations to assess the performance of students and faculty members, as well as to evaluate the achievement of educational outcomes and the coverage of the prescribed course materials. The university is committed to the integrity of examinations, their equitable representation of the course content, and their evaluation with fairness and transparency.


Admissions and Registration Policy


University of Anbar determines its policy for student admission and registration procedures by the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) For the year 1998, the requirements of the Higher Education Accreditation Commission, quality assurance, and the university's regulations, instructions, and enrollment capacity.


Program Suspension Policy


University of Anbar strives to periodically review its academic programs in order to make appropriate decisions regarding the suspension or restriction of some programs in the event of a decrease in the number of students in the program or stagnation in the job market. The university also works to provide sufficient resources to ensure that registered students in the program graduate on time.


Student Performance Evaluation Policy


Assessing and analyzing student performance is one of the fundamental tasks of any academic system. University of Anbar is committed to fairness and integrity in evaluating the performance of its students, using various assessment methods to ensure a clear picture of each student's performance. This is aimed at enhancing their improvement opportunities and producing outstanding graduates in their respective fields who can compete in the job market.


Policy for Periodic Curriculum Evaluation and Development


University of Anbar seeks to periodically evaluate the curriculum plans based on department and faculty recommendations, in light of the expected learning outcomes of academic programs, the department accreditation standards of higher education institutions, and international standards for its academic programs to meet the needs of the local, regional, and international job markets.


The Policy for Reviewing Policies and Procedures for Establishing, Developing, and   Discontinuing Programs  


University of Anbar continuously reviews all policies related to academic programs, including their establishment, development, and discontinuation, ensuring that these reviews are aligned with the latest directives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Department of Quality Assurance for Higher Education Institutions, and global standards for academic programs, as well as the demands of the job market.


Bachelor's Program Admission Policy


University of Anbar is committed to admitting students without discrimination and seeks to promote diversity within the student body. The university aims to attract exceptional students who are motivated to learn, meet graduation requirements based on global standards, and provide them with suitable academic programs and a smooth path to success by the laws of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the university's schedule. Additionally, the university offers incentives and educational scholarships to outstanding students, and it places a special emphasis on attracting students with exceptional athletic and artistic talents.


Hosting Policy Internally and Externally


University of Anbar applies the admission instructions and the regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, by the university's admission policy, to all students transferring from one major to another within the university and to students transferring from other universities, based on the year of their admission, provided that there is a vacancy in the desired major.

Graduation and Academic Degree Granting Policy


University of Anbar grants academic degrees according to the regulations and instructions related to academic degrees and certificates based on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) In 1988, after the student fulfills all the requirements of the approved academic plan for graduation. By implementing the system, the university affirms its commitment to graduating competent individuals with a full understanding of their specialties, proficient in relevant skills, and competitive in the job market.


Credit Transfer Policy


University of Anbar works on adopting the process of credit transfer for students between different universities, to provide opportunities for students to transfer internally and externally. This facilitates the transfer for students moving from one major to another within the university, as well as students transferring from other universities, by the instructions issued by the University’s Council. The credit transfer or equivalency is carried out through the relevant department councils by aligning course equivalency with the approved regulations, guided by the law the university is committed to following, which is the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) of 1988, the general policy for postgraduate studies in universities of Iraq, and the official instructions issued by the Planning and Monitoring Department and the Research and Development Department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The university seeks to expand and enhance postgraduate study programs through these regulations and policies, and the relevant departments within the ministry prepare and oversee the implementation of the regulations.


Course Evaluation Policy


University of Anbar conducts regular course evaluations to assess the extent of achievement of course objectives and learning outcomes related to teaching and examination results, and to develop appropriate improvement plans.


Academic Program Quality Assurance Monitoring Policy


Ensuring the quality of academic program operation is one of the fundamental tasks of any educational system, and the University of Anbar follows a policy based on two main principles to achieve this purpose: a semester-based policy for monitoring the quality assurance of academic program operation and providing the infrastructure for implementing this policy.


Practical Training Policy


University of Anbar is committed to implementing clear plans for student training through practical field training, by the quality standards of academic programs and the guidelines for field training at the university. Training takes place in institutions related to the students' majors within the public or private sector to help them understand the nature of the job market, its needs, and the latest technological developments used in these institutions. This also serves to boost students' morale and break down any barriers or fears they may have about facing the future after graduation.


Electronic Content Preparation and Production Policy


University of Anbar is committed to training students to keep pace with the technological advancements in the field of education and learning, preparing them for lifelong learning, facilitating communication between teachers and students, as well as among faculty members to enhance the effectiveness of the educational process, and transitioning to the knowledge economy society through self-directed learning, e-learning, and smart classrooms.


Graduate Studies Policy


University of Anbar seeks to expand, develop, and enhance its graduate studies programs, and it is committed to doing so by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. 40 of 1988 and the related instructions issued under it. This commitment is especially evident in the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Department within higher education institutions, as well as the regulations governing the implementation of these programs, which are prepared by the ministry and supervised by the relevant departments for graduate studies.


Master's Program Admission Policy


University of Anbar follows the general policy for graduate studies in universities of Iraq, as outlined by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. 40 of 1988. This policy includes the admission requirements for enrollment in graduate programs, the mechanisms of competition, and the allocation of seats in graduate studies. Students are continuously admitted to the updated graduate programs, and the university's graduate studies departments operate according to pre-established plans to ensure fairness and transparency in admission procedures and criteria.


Master's Program Graduation Policy


University of Anbar awards the Master's degree to the student upon completing all the required courses as per the established curriculum for the Master's degree in their specialization department, obtaining a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of no less than 70% in all the courses they have taken, not exceeding the maximum allowed duration for Master's degree completion, and passing the thesis or comprehensive examination.


University’s Research Prioritization Policy


University of Anbar views scientific research as one of the essential components of academic work. Given the paramount importance of scientific research in societal development and the advancement of knowledge, it is imperative to direct it towards areas of the highest urgency in serving the community and national development plans. This direction stems from a policy of research prioritization, taking into account the research capabilities within the university, such as the availability of researchers, their scientific interests, and the university's infrastructure. Consequently, University of Anbar identifies its research priorities through its academic faculties and departments, as well as the Office of the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, the Graduate Studies Department, and the University’s Council.


The university's goal in setting its research priorities is to link scientific research with global interests, align applied research with national priorities and local needs, foster collaborative research among different academic departments, and establish plans for research programs in emerging and innovative fields. This includes directing scientific research to support collaborative connections between various faculties of the university.


Scientific Research Policy


University of Anbar adopts a scientific research policy derived from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) For the year 1988. The university implements this policy through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Graduate Studies Department. These entities are responsible for preparing the necessary procedures to support research activities for faculty members, including organizing scientific research in the colleges by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) For the year 1988.The university also works on enhancing its position in various fields of knowledge by supporting scientific research in all its colleges to advance research and projects at the regional level, linking them to market needs, and strengthening cooperation with both the private and public sectors to align faculty research plans with societal needs. Additionally, it collaborates with relevant international entities. Furthermore, the university measures the outcomes of research projects and their development by monitoring the products of scientific research and building a database in collaboration with the university's colleges. The university focuses on developing research skills for faculty members, providing financial and moral support for researchers, enhancing postgraduate programs, and respecting intellectual property rights and research ethics.



The policy of establishing, developing, and supporting creative and entrepreneurial projects


The University of Anbar is committed to instilling a culture of entrepreneurship and innovative thinking among its staff, students, and the community. It provides an attractive environment for individuals with innovative ideas to implement and develop their projects through the university's business incubator. In this regard, the University of Anbar aims to support creative projects for its faculty, students, as well as local community innovators, refining and nurturing them  and providing a suitable environment to encourage creativity in various scientific, cultural, artistic, social, and sports fields. This includes marketing entrepreneurial projects and business incubators, contributing to achieving creative education and training that helps explore the talents and creative potentials of the university's students and the local community.


Policy for Promoting Scientific Research and Researchers at the University of Anbar


University of Anbar strives to enhance scientific research in its colleges and academic departments. This can only be achieved by preparing and encouraging researchers to engage in research activities. The university provides opportunities for active researchers to conduct their research and allocates suitable time for their scientific pursuits. Furthermore, it works towards ensuring the availability of research equipment to the best of its ability. The university is committed to creating a Conducive environment for faculty members, either individually or in groups. Among the policies adopted by the university to promote scientific research and researchers are the provision of research grants to cover necessary materials and equipment, as well as expenses for conducting tests, statistical analyses, and research assistants. This is facilitated through the graduate studies departments. The university also supports the participation of faculty members in prestigious scientific conferences worldwide and encourages the publication of research in scientific journals and periodicals. Additionally, it promotes the authoring and translation of books and offers annual awards to outstanding researchers to foster a spirit of competition and innovation among researchers.


The Policy for Scientific Research Grants at the University of Anbar


The primary objective of the scientific research grants at the University of Anbar is to provide opportunities for faculty members at the university to enhance their research contributions. This is achieved by altering the working environment, which motivates them to broaden their research horizons, renew their knowledge in related scientific fields, and enrich them. It also aims to strengthen their interactions with globally distinguished academics and involve other faculty members in research areas that elevate the university's research aspect. This effort led to the transfer of new and emerging research fields and techniques to the University of Anbar. Additionally, it allows research-active individuals to easily apply for research grants within a suitable timeframe and reputable academic bodies or research centers.


Research Collaboration Policy with Local, Regional, and International Research Institutions and Centers


University of Anbar keens on promoting collaboration in scientific research across various disciplines within the university. This is achieved through research plans at the colleges, which are based on their research priorities. Additionally, the university emphasizes coordinating with local, regional, and international scientific centers, universities, and research institutions to exchange leading experiences and apply them. The university implements this policy through the Office of the University’s President, the Office of the Academic Assistant, the Graduate Studies Departments, and Cultural Relations.


Policy for Supporting Scientific Research Projects


Priority in supporting scientific research is given to scientific research projects of faculty members that serve developmental purposes in Iraq. The university works to provide a Conducive environment and necessary resources for scientific research. This includes allocating time for faculty members to conduct research, providing facilities, equipment, office services, and any other requirements for research. The University of Anbar is committed to supporting scientific research projects through various means, including financial, moral, temporal, and human resources.


Intellectual Property Protection and Patents Registration Policy


Invention and subjecting it’s to Intellectual Property Protection Laws for Various Inventions and Innovations. The University of Anbar is committed to protecting the scientific and technical innovations accomplished within it by registering them as patents.



Policy for Supporting Scientific, Artistic, and Literary Creations, Their Documentation, and Publication at the University of Anbar


University of Anbar provides financial and moral support for scientific, literary, and artistic creations to faculty members, administrative staff, students, and members of the Iraqi community, and subsequently documents and publishes them.


Policy for Evaluating Artistic Works for Promotion Purposes


University of Anbar is committed to affirming the authenticity of the artistic works of its faculty members through their evaluation by specialized referees, following the highest standards of academic transparency.


Policy of Deputation and Scholarship


University of Anbar is committed to sponsoring outstanding students to enroll in prestigious international universities to pursue their doctoral degrees in various fields. The university follows a scholarship system with global scholarship regulations at the university. Scholarship recipients are obligated to work at the university for a period specified by relevant regulations and instructions.


Budget Preparation Policy


University of Anbar's budget preparation policy is based on the financial system adopted by the provisions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) Of 1988. The university follows an annual budget preparation plan through consultation between the heads of relevant departments at the university's administration, the university's colleges, and relevant government agencies to achieve the university's mission, objectives, and strategic plans.


Financial Planning Policy


University of Anbar follows financial planning that outlines its current financial status, financial objectives, and the strategies to achieve them by the university's mission, objectives, and strategic plans. This includes a timeframe for implementation and financial planning mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation. The plan takes the form of a budget prepared to measure the extent of the university's success in achieving the planned financial objectives, considering revenue, self-funding, consumption, and expenditure aspects within the university.


Policy for Identifying Financial Sources and Allocation


The management of the University of Anbar includes an estimated value of its financial resources and sources, as well as the optimal utilization methods within its annual budgets. It allocates sufficient amounts to fund its short-term and long-term plans according to a future financial plan based on achievable and well-defined principles, and comprehensive and efficient measures that are measurable and implementable.




Income and Expense Management Policy


The income and expense policy at the University of Anbar is based on the financial plan in which the university estimates its revenues. These revenues come from its share in the general state budget, tuition fees paid by students, and any income obtained by the university based on current legal provisions. These revenues are used for specific expenses related to programs, projects, and activities managed by the university's colleges, departments, and units. The accounts of the various colleges and departments are established and classified according to principles chosen to serve the university. This policy focuses on cost reduction, risk mitigation that may threaten the university, and ensuring financial liquidity for the required operational activities.


Supplies Policy


 University of Anbar provides all its academic and administrative units with the necessary supplies for the university's academic and administrative operations, equipment, facilities, and more through procurement committees periodically formed by experienced and trustworthy individuals. This is to supply the university's units with their needs as quickly as possible and in a transparent, impartial and fair manner.


University’s Security Policy


University of Anbar is committed to maintaining the security and safety of individuals and their property within the university campus through the Monitoring Department.


Maintenance and Execution Monitoring Policy


University of Anbar works to evaluate and improve the performance of the Maintenance and Services Department when executing projects and assigned tasks, especially in terms of maintaining buildings, facilities, and infrastructure. This is achieved through coordination between the Maintenance and Services Department at the university administration and the maintenance and services units in the various colleges.


Engineering Services Policy


The Reconstruction and Projects Department (Engineering Affairs) at the University of Anbar seeks to prepare engineering studies and consultations and oversee projects executed for the university, to realize the university's vision of providing a university environment that aligns with future aspirations.


Agricultural Services Policy


The Agricultural Affairs Division at the University of Anbar seeks to make the open spaces within the university green by planting as many vacant areas as possible with forest trees for shading purposes, to be enjoyed by students and university visitors, and to create a clean and pollution-free environment with scenic landscapes and flowers within the university campus.


Policy for the Management of Biological and Chemical Waste at the University of Anbar


University of Anbar works on handling and disposing of biological and chemical waste generated from routine activities of the colleges and environmental activities through specific methods that align with global laws and regulations followed by the Ministries of Health and relevant government departments in Anbar Governorate.


Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Appointment Policy


University of Anbar is committed to the principles of justice, competence, and integrity in the recruitment and appointment of qualified academic and administrative staff. This commitment is based on transparency, fairness, and accountability, ensuring that the recruitment process aligns with the required job description to fulfill the purpose of the position. The university adheres to the Civil Service Law No. 24 of 1960, the University Service Law No. 23 of 2008, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. 40 of 1988, and the Iraqi Labor Law No. 37 of 2015 for this purpose.


Professional and Career Development Policy


University of Anbar is committed to the continuous development of the knowledge, skills, and orientations of its faculty and administrative staffs to improve their performance, increase their productivity, and provide opportunities for them to fulfill their potential through career advancement within the university.


Faculty Promotion Policy


University of Anbar is dedicated to advancing its faculty members by providing them with opportunities for career advancement within the academic ranks. This promotes their expertise in their respective fields, enhances their research skills, and, in turn, contributes to improving the university's outcomes and developing its research capabilities. This process adheres to the Academic Promotion Instructions No. 167 of 2017 (currently in effect) within the institutions of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


Recruitment Policy for Faculty and Administrative Staff


The University of Anbar seeks to attract competent and experienced faculty and administrative staff to create a stimulating academic work environment, foster academic activities and contributions, motivate and sustain a sense of belonging to the university and academic work, ensure a suitable economic level for faculty and staff, promoting interactive social atmospheres among college members, and enhancing satisfaction with performance among affiliates, through the implementation of a policy to incentivize and reward outstanding performance.


Employee Health Services Policy


University of Anbar seeks to provide the necessary health services through the presence of a dedicated health center within the university campus, housing a specialized medical team composed of competent doctors and nurses, and providing modern medical equipment and pharmacy services to achieve the best healthcare services.


Policy for Managing Risks of Epidemic and Disease Outbreaks


University of Anbar seeks to ensure a disease-free and epidemic-free environment and prevent their spread in the event of their presence.


Student Awareness Policy


University of Anbar views its students as an active and important component of the institution, and it is committed to monitoring, raising awareness, and guiding them to enhance their academic and behavioral levels.


Students’ Complaints Policy


University of Anbar follows a fair policy in dealing with student complaints and suggestions, with confidentiality and transparency, giving everyone their rightful voice. This is based on the principle that students have the right to submit any complaint related to both academic and non-academic matters, and it is the university's responsibility to find an appropriate solution for these complaints, striving for fairness and justice.



Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Policy


University of Anbar, regarding the rights and responsibilities of students, adopts a policy that is based on safeguarding and ensuring all the rights and responsibilities of students as defined in the university's regulations and fully extracting these rights and responsibilities from the applicable legislative texts. These encompass a wide range of different rights, especially those related to student representation at the university, including the rights related to assessing students' academic performance, as well as rights concerning intellectual freedom, creativity, and other rights. This policy also includes the responsibilities of students in their interactions with the university, faculty, administrative staff and university resources, both material and educational, and other facilities. It aims to inform and educate students about these rights and encourages all university staff to respect and apply these rights in all aspects and procedures of the university.



Students’ activities policy


University of Anbar views student activities as an important element of the academic environment. These activities complement this environment by encouraging students to engage and participate in them. The goal is to refine the students' personalities, instill a sense of social responsibility, and foster self-confidence through interaction with these activities and their participants. This, in turn, has a positive impact on their behavior. Furthermore, these activities serve as a source for discovering the students' talents, interests, and potential in cultural, scientific, social, and sports fields, among others.


Behavioral Counseling Policy


University of Anbar, through its psychological counseling units, works to contribute to solving students' psychological, academic, and behavioral problems, as well as addressing students' social maladjustment. The counseling units handle all cases of students referred to them, whether the referral is internal from the university or initiated voluntarily by the students themselves.


Community Service Policy


University of Anbar seeks to be distinguished in building a productive partnership with society through the planning and implementation of scientific and social activities to serve and develop society.


The policy of building relations at the national, regional, and international levels


The University of Anbar works to build effective and productive strings with universities and national, regional and international institutions through which it seeks to achieve fruitful cooperation to develop the academic process, scientific research and the development of society.



The Policy of Formulation of Policies, Procedures, and Models and Their Scrutiny Policy


University of Anbar seeks to document its policies, procedures, and models with a view to their publication in academic units and administrative departments. Apply these procedures to ensure quality and academic accreditation.


Academic Units Evaluation Policy


University of Anbar evaluates academic units annually by measuring performance indicators, evaluating education outcomes, monitoring the implementation of the academic agenda, and ensuring that they are applied through field visits to learn the strengths and areas of improvement to work on the development of academic departments.


Management Services Evaluation Policy


University of Anbar conducts annual assessments of its administrative departments by examining work plans and conducting on-site visits to identify strengths and areas in need of improvement. This evaluation process informs the university's efforts to enhance the development of its administrative units.


Stakeholders’ Satisfactions Policy


University of Anbar aims to assess the satisfaction levels of students, faculty members, administrators, alumni, the community, and employers through well-defined procedures. This process helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, which in turn informs the university's efforts to enhance the quality of its services and outcomes.


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