Transportation policy
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The Transport Division of the University of Anbar is responsible for coordinating the transfer of students and staff from different areas within the Anbar governorate. Their tasks include overseeing transport services in remote areas and ensuring that students living in the countryside have access to colleges outside the central campus, including the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and the Faculty of Women's Education, and vice versa.

The University of Anbar campus is subject to a consistent policy regarding the entry of vehicles into the university campus, and we can summarize it as follows:

1- Access to the university campus is restricted to vehicles possessing permits issued by the Permits Department at the University of Presidency. This policy applies to all university employees, including faculty members, administrators, and technicians, as their vehicles must undergo to move through the electronic gates that allowed only the vehicle with promotion to entry the university’s campus.

2- Only employees are allowed to use the on-campus inside parking areas, while the transportation vehicle that used by students are keeping in the outside campus parking area.

3- Students are allowed to use the parking areas allocated to them in return for fees collected by the university from the renting individual. This is one of the steps taken at the University of Anbar to maximize resources and at the same time to encourage students to use public or private transportation, or sharing transportation.


4- The University of Anbar provides a parking area for bicycles charging for the Environment near the university dorms to provide transportation within the university campus, and this is one of the important steps to reduce emissions at the university.

To download the file of policies click here




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